Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome to our website!

Heat Transfer

Heat is transferred in 3 ways;
  • Convection
  • Radiation
  • Conduction
Convection: When heat is transferred through liquids or gas.
Radiation: Its the heat you feel.
Conduction: When heat is transferred by direct contact or touching something else.

As Sun light hits the earth different things happen to it before we recieve it.
  • White clouds reflect it
  • Greenhouse gases absorb it
  • The ground absorbs it but reflects a bit of it
  • The sea absorbs it
  • Some particles reflect it or absorb it
  •  The Earth recives only 70% of heat and 30% is reflected
These are a few links which will teach you more about convection, radiation and conduction!:



Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tips On How to be Eco- Friendly!

  •  Be smart like this dog and turn off the lights when leaving a room
  • Turn of any electrical devices when you're not using them ( like this smart kitty)
  • Instead of driving, walk or bike to places that are close to you
  • Use re- usable water bottles instead  of buying plastic water bottles

  • Ask your parents to buy Eco- friendly light bulbs
  • Throw away your trash in the trash can and DO NOT LITTER!!

Why We Should GO GREEN!

  • We should turn the lights off when we leave a room because in order to have electricity, factories burn fossil fuels ( gas) which releases pollution into the air. This causes global warming! So, always turn off lights when you're not using them!

  • Instead of driving, you should walk or bike to places that are near you because cars run on gases that release CO2 into the atmosphere ( which pollutes it).

  • You should use re-useable water bottles because they reduce the use of fossil fuels which are used to make plastic water bottles.

Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a process by which heat  is absorbed by  the atmosphere greenhouse and is sent back  in all directions. As a result, the average surface temperature is hotter than it would if sunlight was the only thing on Earth. So basically, we are trapping ourselves in a planet of heat by continueing what we are doing to our planet!

Learn more about the Greenhouse Effect with Tim & Moby:

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The Atmosphere :)

The atmosphere is a layer of air the surrounds the Earth and protects it. It is made up of different gases and particles. If it weren't for the atmosphere, we wouldn't be able to breathe!

Learn more about the atmosphere from this BrainPOP video:

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Here's a very catchy song from YouTube! about the atmosphere... IT WILL GET STUCK IN YOUR HEAD BECAUSE OF ITS AWESOMENESS!

The Ozone Layer!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Ozone Layer

Do you guys know that by using chemicals we are destroying the ozone?
The Ozone is a layer of the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful sunlight. We are using too much of a chemical called CFC which is creating a hole in the ozone. Without the ozone do you know what would happen to us? Our children and the next generation would get skin cancer and sunburn. I am sure none of us want a future like that for our children.


To learn more about the Ozone Layer, watch this video from BrainPOP

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Global Warming!

photo edited for free at www.pizap.comphoto edited for free at www.pizap.com

Global Warming!

What is global warming?
Global warming is when the Earth gets hotter.

Effects of Global Warming!

Now, while going through our website, what have you learned? Think of this, when you're like about 20 (not sure) what type of earth do you want?  A dirty one or one that is filled with nature? Think about it.

Water Levels: As the temperatures warm,  the oceans will get bigger and ice will melt into the oceans. 

Habitats: Global warming will cause the endangering of animals and plants by  changing their habitats ( like some fishes in the sea).

Health:  Heat- related deaths from diseases like malaria could happen more through warmer temperatures.